
How to Stop Thumb-Sucking

No Crying Necessary: Simple Ways to Stop Thumb Sucking At first it was adorable, but now it has become worrisome. Starting to fear your child is addicted to thumb sucking? Push those worst-case scenarios and harsh weaning tactics from your mind. Here is the truth about the dental risks, when it is necessary to intervene, […]

Understanding Fluoride Treatment for Kids

Understanding Pediatric Fluoride Treatment It’s undeniable that fluoride has played a major role in the decline of dental cavities in the United States. However, what isn’t so clear to many parents is whether or not fluoride treatments are safe and/or beneficial for children. After all, children receive fluoride on a regular basis from many different […]

How To Brush To Really Impress Your Dentist

Back to Basics: Brushing Tips to Impress Your Dentist You’ve been brushing for as long as you can remember, but could it be you’ve been doing it incorrectly all along? From the type of bristles you choose to the level of pressure you should place on your teeth, this step-by-step guide to better brushing is […]

Your Child’s Sippy Cup….Could there be Problems?

Your Child’s Sippy Cup: Is it a Friend or Foe? Shaped like your child’s favorite action heroes and in every vibrant color imaginable, sippy cups seem like an innocent way to prevent spills. But with increased cavities and speech issues abound, pediatric dentists have recent research suggesting that what was once a friend is now […]

High Tech Toothbrushes. Are they worth it?

High-Tech Toothbrushes: Is It Worth Going Electric? The verdict is in: electric toothbrushes are here to stay, and they mean business for your teeth! By now, you’ve probably seen them on the shelves, on TV or in magazines. Dentists endorse them, and most are ADA-approved — but if you still swear by your manual toothbrush, […]

Being Pregnant and Going to the Dentist

Keeping up with your dental checkup during pregnancy is safe and important for your dental health. Not only should you take care of cleanings and other procedures during your pregnancy, but your dentist can help you with any pregnancy-related dental issues you might be experiencing. The American Dental Association, the American Congress of Obstetricians and […]

Major Health Clues Your Mouth Provides

Dentist or Detective? Major Health Clues Your Mouth Provides Chew on this for a minute: just by glancing inside your mouth, your dentist can tell you a number of things that may be news to you and your doctor! Surprising as it may sound, your oral health can speak volumes about the rest of your […]

Newer Lighter Filling Options

Ditch Discolored Fillings for These Newer, Lighter Options Still flashing a bit of silver when you smile? Cavities can happen to anyone, but the whole world doesn’t have to know about them! If you’ve been living with old, discolored fillings, there’s never been a better time to have them replaced. Find out how new fillings […]

Slaying Dragon Breath (Halitosis) for Good

The Dirt on “Dragon Breath” And How to Slay It for Good There’s a reason people commonly refer to halitosis as “dragon breath”: it’s a beast of an oral health problem that can put off anyone within close range! Mints and mouthwashes can mask the issue, but in order to truly defeat it, you’ll need […]

Lift Your Smile with Tooth Reshaping

Tooth Reshaping: The Easy, Inexpensive Way to Lift Your Smile What Is Tooth Reshaping? Straightening and whitening your teeth can transform your smile, but sometimes, it takes one final step to get those pearly whites looking perfect. It’s called tooth reshaping (or dental contouring), and the good news is, it’s a quick, painless and cost-effective […]